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How to Make a Targeted Print Mailer

James Winzar • Feb 13, 2024

The Power of Personalised Print and Gift Packs


Let's take a stroll down memory lane to a time when getting something in the mail was the highlight of your day. Now, fast forward to today, where personalised print is making a significant comeback. It's like the universe saying, “Hey, you're not just another number in the system!” We're talking about custom printed letters, cards, and brochures that land in your post box and make your day.  

In between the bills and junk, you spot something that catches your eye. It's a letter, but not just any letter. It's got your name on it, and not in that generic “Dear Customer” way. It's tailored just for you, with a bit of personal touch that makes you feel like someone out there gets you. This is the magic of personalised print.


Personalised Print in a Digital World

In a world where our digital inboxes are jam-packed, personalised print from a top-notch personalised printing service is like that breath of fresh air. It's got this superpower to make you feel like someone out there crafted a message just for you. The stats are pretty cool, too—direct mail can boast a 4.4% response rate. Compare that to the snooze fest of emails, which get about 0.12%. 【Source】Direct Marketing Association.


Custom Printed Love Letters (Well, Almost)

Imagine this: you receive a custom printed postcard that's not only got your name on it but also remembers that epic product you ordered three times last month. That’s personalised print, making you feel like a valued customer. It’s a proven fact; 80% of us would rather stick with a brand that knows our name and goes beyond to create communications that are relatable. 【Source】Epsilon

Custom-Packaging example

The Swag Bag that Gets You

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, here come custom printed gift packs. These aren’t just random knick-knacks thrown into a bag. Nope. These are carefully curated items, wrapped in the warmth of a brand that gets you. It’s like Christmas morning with every box you open. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good swag bag? That's why a whopping 83% of folks dig receiving goodies that have a personal spin【Source】PPAI Research

How to get personalised print right?
To make your personalised print campaigns more effective, consider these five tips:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Really dive into who they are to tailor your message perfectly.
  2. Maintain Accurate Data: Regularly clean and update your mailing list to avoid errors.
  3. Genuine Connection: Use data to create messages that truly resonate, not just fill space.
  4. Multichannel Strategy: Boost response rates by complementing mail with personalised emails or texts.
  5. Testing: Continually test and adjust your campaigns to find what works best with your audience.

Bringing It Home

In the grand scheme of things, personalised print isn't just about paper and ink. It's about creating a connection. And with the help of us at Vizability for customised printing services, you’re not just reaching out; you’re reaching deep into the perceptions of your customers. So, if you're looking to bring back those lost connections, remember: a little bit of personal goes a long way. Go on, give personalised print and custom-printed gift packs a try.

Your customers will thank you for it, and you'll see them coming back for that personal touch time and time again.

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